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Oct 23 - Nov 21

Symbol: The Scorpion  -  Element: Water  -  Polarity: Yin/Feminine  -  Quality: Fixed  -  Ruling Planet: Mars & Pluto
House: Eight  -  Mantra: I Transform  -  Body Part: The Genitals & the Bowels  -  Colors: Red & Black  -  Tarot Card: Death

Scorpio, the eighth prowler in the zodiac's alley, is a sign you simply can't overlook — and neither should you underestimate those mysterious Scorpio kitties! Born under this starry canopy, Scorpios are fiercely serious in their quest to unravel the mysteries of others. No fluffy small talk for these felines; they pounce right into the heart of the matter, sniffing out secrets like a cat on a mouse-hunt.

The Scorpio sign is all about the big cat issues: beginnings and endings, and they're as fearless about them as a cat is with a high shelf. They see the world in stark black and white, hardly ever lounging in the gray areas. Their curiosity is as vast as a cat's night-time adventures, making them purr-fectly skilled at digging deep and unveiling the hidden.

Those graced with a Scorpio horoscope are the Sherlock Holmes of the zodiac, always ready to leap into investigative action. And with their razor-sharp intuition, it's like they have a sixth sense, or should we say, a 'whisker sense' that guides them straight to the heart of any mystery. 🐾🔍🦂

July 5 to August 8 - Purrdictions

July 5 to August 8 - Purrdictions

July 24, 2024 6 min read

July/August catstrological purrdictions based on the Sidereal time
See what your ZodiCat sign has to say for this July moon cycle
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June 6 to July 5 - Purrdictions

June 6 to July 5 - Purrdictions

June 07, 2024 6 min read

June/July catstrological purrdictions based on the Sidereal time
See what your ZodiCat sign has to say for this June/July moon cycle
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Monthly horoscope with purrsonality

May 7 to June 5 - Purrdictions

May 07, 2024 5 min read

May/June catstrological purrdictions based on the Sidereal time
See what your ZodiCat sign has to say for this May/June moon cycle
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