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July 5 to August 3 - Purrdictions

Catsmic insights by Melanie Kay - ZodiCats by Bridgett Spicer

Moonthly purrdictions for June 6 to July 5 - 2024


Aries ♈
Purrhaps it's time to paw-sit and focus all that fiery feline energy on your inner health—yes, that means your physical, emotional, AND mental health. 🩺 With so much cat-titude towards clearing out what no longer serves your purr-pose, heed this meow-nificent warning—there’s no time to paws. ⏰ Everything will come to a purrfect conclusion towards the end of July if you play your cards right. 🃏 You’ve got the whiskers to make it work… Fasting, cleansing, movement practices, an exercise regime? 🤸🏻‍♀ All will benefit you this month immensely. Time to pounce on those healthy habits!

Taurus ♉
Wowzers, Taurus! This moon cycle is packed with meowgic for you. The planets are beaming into your house of relationships, abundance, benevolence, and good furrtune, expanding your purr-spectives and connections. ✨ This includes love, fur-iendships, and business meowgotiations. 💞 Your direct action towards building a purrfect network is pawlpable and unexpected connections will occur as a result. 🕸 Don’t be surprised if you have a serendipitous crystallization around July 29-30th. 🔮 This moon is destined for you to create a network of support for your divine catwalk through life.

Gemini ♊
The New Moon lands at 20* Gemini in the 8th house this cycle... this is not an easy purrch for your flow, dear Gemini. 🦇 Don’t be surprised if you feel like an emotional furball, especially related to your self-worth. Not to worry, these fellines are fleeting, much like a cat’s attention span. They’ll shift within days, moving your psyche into a revelation about how you are seen in the world. 🌎 This inner and outer confusion and change will purrsist until July 15, where you’ll have a much-needed catnap of integration and rest. 🛌 All of this new information will settle by the end of the month when the moon is waning and getting ready to begin amew. Be easy and gentle with yourself in this transit, you deserve it. 💫

Cancer ♋
Time to shine, dear Cancer! This is your moment to cat-tapult yourself into the social media spotlight and let the world bask in your radiance. 📱 Love yourself and give yourself pawsitive reinforcement to explore, communicate, and shine your brightest self. 🌟 With a strong inner feline presence guiding you while the sun is shining in your house of recognition, your true colors will be on full display from the 15th throughout the entire moon cycle. ☀ Take advantage and strut your stuff. Humility is great, but it’s time to unleash the lion within and live it up! This moon cycle is purr-fect for discovering new facets of the gem that you are. 💎

Leo ♌
Wow wow wow, Leo! It’s truly your time to step into divine leadership—your obvious birthright. 🦁 The 9th of July brings an apex to your inner sense of courage, and your clear communicat-tion about this state of being comes online July 19. 🧗‍♂ Finally, you’ll feel grounded and at home in your mew role around July 31. This is a quick cycle of readiness, so give yourself a huge pat on the back, soak up all the praise, live into that purride and magnanimity that you are, and truly thrive throughout this moon. 🏅 You are ameowzing—like a lion basking in the sun!

Virgo ♍
Virgo, this is the time to remember why you’re here on earth. What is your purrpose? What skills are you bringing to the cardboard box to build the new earth? 🛠 From July 7 through the 13th, doors will open to a deeper understanding of your role as a builder in this planetary evolution. 🚪 Keep miowning those gems of wisdom from dreamtime and beyond. 🌌 Continue listening to your fur-iends, family, and community as they share how important you are in the development of these new structures. 🧱 The mirror of self is being shown to you this moon—take it all in and cherish every reflection. The good, the bad, and the ugly all contribute to your development. Be grateful & purring for it all. 😸

Libra ♎
Purr-fectly balanced Libra, this moon cycle is your time to catnap and rejuvenate. 😴 Let go of all those pesky responsibilities. Yes, seriously, let it all go and focus on being a laid-back kitty. 🐾 Listen to your inner purr and meditate on the vastness of your capacity to balance and hold duality. 🧘🏾‍♀ That's the most important effort you can make this moon cycle. Even if it goes against your meowture, trust that you know exactly what to do… excuse me, what to BE. 🐝 It's time to lounge around, stretch, and purr your way through this cycle. Be Here Meow!

Scorpio ♏
Well, well, well… What a pawsome twist for you this moon, dear Scorpio. 🐾 You're usually prowling the shadows and exploring the underworld, but this moon cycle, it's time to turn your gaze inward. 🧟‍♀ Focus on your own fur-sonal growth and well-being. While your Taurus friends are out making catnnections, you're diving deep into your inner self. ⛏️ Trust in this journey. It's not about others or the collective this time; it's all about YOU. Look into the mirror of self and the diamond of your inner heart. A chat-llenge, no doubt, but well worth the effort. 💓💖💓

Sagittarius ♐
Oh, the drama, dear Sagittarian feline. This moon cycle, you’re being so oppawsitional to your true meowture. It's time to do NOTHING. 😂 Stop exploring, stop learning, stop chasing new adventures and just be a lazy cat. 🏹 Creating a routine and taking care of yourself in the most meowdane way is the best expression for your soul this moon cycle. 📊 I know it sounds heavy for your adventurous cat nature, but think of this moon as your inner adventure of stillness and solitude. 🕊️ Your inner catsmonaut will thank you, and you'll be purr-fectly poised for future escapades.

Capricorn ♑
What can I say, Capricorn? You're still in the depths of deep reconstruction that is the earth element in these times. What you've been expurriencing these last few moon cycles is finally coming to a place of expression. 🗣️ As your voice emerges and you're able to communicate what you've been going through, you'll feel a deep, purrturing presence supporting you around July 12th. 🌬️ The combination of communication, being seen, and feline nurtured gives you mew insights and epiphanies by July 21, when the moon is full in your sign. 🌕 Enjoy this meowmentary clarity as you continue to dig through and support shifts throughout this potent year of change. Hold in your heart your deep role as a catalyst in this global evolution, and you'll stay pawsitive and empawered. 💥

Aquarius ♒
Home is where the revolution is… 😋 💞 You are transforming your surroundings, and you have been for quite some time. This sentiment will be present from the mew moon through the 12th when you'll be recognized for your gifts in this deep transformation. 🎁 Throughout the rest of the moon cycle, your efforts will be highlighted, supported, and finally seen by the catmmunity by July 28. Stay strong and steadfast in these transformeowtional times. 🏋🏻‍♀️ You are a wayshower, and it all begins at home. Work on purr-fecting your inner home, and your impact will be undeniable. 🏡


Pisces ♓
Oh my dear fishy friends… 🎏 These past few months have been immensely stacked with movement, flow, progression, difficulty, and all that’s in-between. ⚛️ It’s not that things let up this moon cycle; it’s just an entirely different feeline as the planetary elements within your sign are meow being presented as gifts and integrated experiences. 💝 Enjoy the easeful purrents for a while—the storm is finally through, and you get to enjoy the afterglow. 🌊🌞 This is especially true around July 25th. Bask in the warm glow like a cat in a sunbeam. 🌞


Paws and Reflect
As we wrap up this moon cycle’s catstrology, remember to paws and reflect on all the feline wisdom imparted. Whether you’re pouncing on new oppurrtunities, curling up for some much-needed rest, or stretching into new territories, let your inner kitty guide you. 🐾 Embrace the purrs, the pounces, and the playful moments. Until next time, keep your whiskers twitching and your heart wide open. Stay pawsitive, furriends, and may your days be filled with purrs and whisker kisses! 


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