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Aug 23 - Sept 22

Symbol: The Virgin  -  Element: Earth  -  Polarity: Yin/feminine  -  Quality: Mutable  -  Ruling Planet: Mercury
House: Sixth  -  Mantra: I Analyze  -  Body Part: The digestive system  -  Colors: Tan & Warm yellow  -  Tarot Card: The Hermit

Virgo, the sixth whisker in our zodiacal kitty parade, is all about purr-cision and detail - it's the cat's way for these feline perfectionists! Born under this starry sign, Virgos are often the playful target of jokes for their finicky and meticulous nature (and they sure can be a tidy bunch), but there's a reason for their kitten-like focus on the fine print: to lend a helpful paw to others.

In the zodiac zoo, Virgos are the ultimate service kitties, finding joy in every task, no matter how small or big. They're practically tailor-made for this, with traits like industriousness, methodical thinking, and an efficient way of pouncing on every challenge. The sense of duty in these furballs is as strong as a cat's instinct to chase - they're always on the prowl to work for the greater good, making sure every detail is purr-fectly in place! 🐾🌿💼

July 5 to August 8 - Purrdictions

July 5 to August 8 - Purrdictions

July 24, 2024 6 min read

July/August catstrological purrdictions based on the Sidereal time
See what your ZodiCat sign has to say for this July moon cycle
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June 6 to July 5 - Purrdictions

June 6 to July 5 - Purrdictions

June 07, 2024 6 min read

June/July catstrological purrdictions based on the Sidereal time
See what your ZodiCat sign has to say for this June/July moon cycle
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Monthly horoscope with purrsonality

May 7 to June 5 - Purrdictions

May 07, 2024 5 min read

May/June catstrological purrdictions based on the Sidereal time
See what your ZodiCat sign has to say for this May/June moon cycle
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